I spent my december holiday at the Meritus Hotel near Orchard Road.The hotel was so amazing and it has many storeys.We went to check in.I was getting very excited and my father had checked in.Our hotel number was 3236 and it was the 32th storey.It was the tallest storey of all of the rooms.(not counting other advertisments)We took the lift and the lift went up to the 32th storey.We went inside the room and put our things.It was so cool.I look at the window and it was so tall and i was shocked.I was curious so i look around the room.I felt something was wrong and there is no refrigerator.I checked again and i found it hidden in the small cupboard.The things must be paid if you eat the food in the refrigerator.I went to the bathroom and there was a bathtub and there are many other things there.I went out and watched the television with my brother.There was many channels in the television.My brother and i like the football channel too.We are going to go out and my brother wanted to watch the television.My mother does not allow my brother to watch television.My brother switched off the television, we locked the door and we went out.We went shopping to buy t-shirts, trousers and pants.We went to buy a Nintendo DS.It is almost time for dinner so we went to eat.We went home at 8.15p.m. and i charged the Nintendo DS.While charging i tried the game and it was so fun.I took the bath at 9:30p.m. and i went to watch the televison.My father go to work at 10:30p.m. and my mother went to sleep at 11:00p.m.My brother and i watch television until 12:30p.m. and we went to sleep.I felt hard to fall asleep.The next day, my brother i woke up at 6:55a.m. and we went to brush our teeth.My mother woke up to sort out all the things.My mother gave us a glass of hot water.I drank and it was so hot.my brother had no feeling at all.My brother and i watch the television at 7:15a.m.My cousin called and my mother and my brother went to pick up my cousin while i played the Nintendo DS.My cousin knocked the door and i opened the door.My cousin rush in and we started playing.My cousin have a Nintendo DS also.We played multiplayer and it was extremely fun.My father came back at 9:20a.m. and we went out to eat buffet.When we reached the restaurant.Only two adults/children can eat.So we decided that my mother and father eat the buffet.We went back the room to play and we eat breads.My mother and father came back at 10:30a.m. and we were busy playing the game because it was so exciting that we cannot stop playing.We stopped playing at 12:05p.m. and went out to have lunch.After lunch, we went shopping until 3:50p.m. and we went home.We snatched to go home to bath first.My cousin acted that he wanted to go the toilet and he straight away just went in to the bathtub to start soaking.I was frustrated about it.We went out for dinner at 6:30p.m.My cousin was not hungry and my father kept forcing my cousin to eat.My cousin finally chose what to eat.We bought it and went home.My cousin ate the food at 8:05p.m. and i played Nintendo DS again at 8:30p.m. until 9:45p.m.My brother and i was not feeling well and we decided to go home.At 10:30p.m. i had a stomachache.I went to the toilet for 2-3 times and was not feeling better.I feel like vomiting out the food.My cousin's mother booked a taxi for 1hour.My mother, my cousin, and my cousin's mother and i took a taxi home while my brother and father took the bus home.I reached home at 11:30p.m. while my brother reached home around 12:10p.m.I enjoyed the trip there and hope to go there again.
I've never stayed at Meritus Mandarin before but I've dine in one of the restaurants a few years back.
Hi Malcolm,
I wanted to tell you is that you have a spelling mistake.
u spell it broter, the correct one is Brother.
from : chloe
You spelled 'brother' wrongly! You said broter and it actually is 'brother'.
Thanks for correcting my mistake.I've just change it.
Hi Malcolm, it looks like on your trip, u only played Nitendo DS??
Nope, not every time and i had a lot of fun there on the next day when my cousin comes.The first day was exciting and the next day is full of joy.
want not fair you have my blog
thank for the imm thing
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