Thursday, October 2, 2008

Term 4 Week 3 : Recycling

Hi everyone,

Recycling means reusing the items.It is necessary to recycle so that we will not waste items.For example, we can recycle plastic bottles, aluminium cans and newspapers.To recycle the plastic bottles, we must wash it first and then dry it.For recycling aluminium cans, the steps of recycling are the same like recycling plastic bottles.I do not really recycle items but I recycle newspapers.The school had put in a lot of effort of recycling and the school can recycle more items to help the recycling progress. Message: We must recycle not to waste items.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Term 4 Week 1: Reading

Hi everyone,

Reading is important because it can improve your English.Nowadays, i'm reading humour books from George Ong.His jokes are very funny and I can even change with my friends humour books to read.I read about 5 books in a month.I dont often read books unless I have a lot of free time or I am bored.Lots of people rather play computer games than reading books.When somone play computer games, some will be addicted to it and do not want to stop playing but some will want to read books than playing computer games.For me, I some kind prefer computer games than reading books because computer games is fun.Our school can put a longer time on silent reading.I want to recommend the humour books because it is funny and interesting.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Holiday Homework 4 (T3Wk10): Computer Games

Hi Everyone,

I like playing computer games because it is very fun.I played many games in the internet and some i downloaded them to play.One of the games i like most is "Maplestory".The game is very fun and interesting.Millions of people around the world play this games and some of our classmates also play that game.I often play that game when i have the time.I think many people play computer games because sometimes they will be bored or they can play educational games if they have the free time.I enjoy playing computer games very much.This game may affect my studies if I keep on playing.I am a bit addicted to that game cause I always do not want to stop playing until my mother tell me to stop playing.

Do you like computer games and what computer games do you play?????Waiting for your responses!!!!!

Holiday Homework 3(T3Wk9): The Olympics Games

Hi everyone,

I like watching The Beijing Olympics.I almost watched it everyday.I was so proud of Singapore getting a sliver medal on the table tennis game.China got the most medals and i cannot believe that USA did not win them.The rings of the symbol of Beijing Olympics represents the five continents are Africa, North and South America, Asia, Europe and Oceania.I will look foward to the Youth Olympics on 2010 hosted by Singapore.There is an amazing swimming that got 8 gold medals and a runner got about 3-5 golds.I enjoyed watching the Beijing Olympics especially swimming, athletics, badminton, table tennis.I hope that the next olympics that is held in London, Singapore will get more medals.Go!Singapore!Go!

Holiday Homework 2 (T3Wk8): National Day

Hi everyone,

On National Day, i just only did nothing and only just watching the television of National Day.It was just singing, dancing, performing.I like the people parachuting down and it was so cool.I
also like the fireworks at the last part and i think that they put a million or more of fireworks to make it so beautiful and colourful. This year, we are celebrating Singapore's 43rd birthday.National Day is taken on the date when Singapore became independence. I did not go there because I dont have sufficient tickets and my father go only.

What did you do on National Day?????Waiting for your responses!!!!!!

Holiday Homework 1 (T3Wk7): Copyright

Hi everyone,

Copyright means someone who is copying the photo and pasting the photo on his blog without acknowledging where the source is from.Copyright is very dangerous and if you copied a photo and forgot to acknowledge it, you may be jailed.When we copy anything from the internet, we must have the habit of acknowledging where the source is from.So remember to have the habit of acknowledging anything from the internet or else when you grow older you will find it hard to stop the habit of acknowledging. If our classmates have that habit of not acknowledging everytime, you must stop that habit cause it is bad.

Do you have the habit of doing it all times?????Waiting for your responses!!!!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Mdm Asrina

Hello, Mdm Asrina,

Thanks for telling us more about Brunei and i learnt a lot.

What i learnt

1)I learnt that Brunei and Singapore money is the same.

2)I learnt that all the schools in Brunei are smaller than our school.

3)I learnt that Brunei have four cities.

Unit 8:Question Words And Qusetion Tags

Hello, Mdm Asrina,

I want to welcome you to Anderson Primary School to know more about Singapore.I hope that you will learn a lot of things here.

Question Words And Question Tags:

1)What time does your school end?

2)What special features are there in your school?

3)What is the name of your school?

4)What colour is your school's uniform?

5)Does your school have special classes?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Unit 8: Indian Folktales (Part 2)

Title of Singaporean folktale:

Characters in the story:

Introduction of the story:

Problem/s in the story:

Solution/s to the problem/s in the story:

Conclusion of the story:

What is the moral of your Singaporean folktale?

Title:The cat and the mouse

Once there was a cat who is fond of eating mouse.One day, the cat saw a mouse and wanted to eat him.The mouse was getting afraid and trembled.Suddenly, he thought of an idea and tricked the cat.The mouse told the cat that far far away, there is a huge mountain that has a lot of big and juicy mice.Without thinking, the cat rush to the huge mountain and found that he was tricked.At last, the mouse escaped and the cat was sad.

The moral of the story is not to be greedy.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Personal Response 5: Earthquakes

Hello Everyone,

I going to tell you that the largest recorded earthquake in the world was a magnitude 9.5 (Mw) in Chile on May 22, 1960.I was shocked when i saw that.In 1663 the European settlers experienced their first earthquake in America.I don't think Singapore will have earthquake only sometimes.The bad thing is that the eartquake that is on Sichuan.If Singapore have a small earthquake, we can run away but if there is a big earthquake we may die.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Reflection 5: Mother's Day

Hello everyone,

I treat my mother McDonald's on Friday 09/05/2008.I would like to say a very big thank you to my mother.She took care of me, cook food for me, teach me Chinese and buy things that i want.Imagine you do not have any mother, you would have those good old days.You will not have any food to eat.You cannot pay your school fees so you cannot go to school to learn new things.You will be a beggar along the road begging for money and being teased by people who is very ill-mannered.

Question:What did you do on Mother's Day?

Go back and think about it and post out a comment to me.Thanks! Bye! Bye!

Personal Response 4: Child Safety Belt In School Buses

Hello everyone,

I take bus everyday.(morning and afternoon)In the morning(often), the bus will be very quiet because people have just woke up so early and will feel sleepy in the bus but some people don't feel that because they are too talkative.Afternoon, the bus will be extremely noisy.They will be all playing, talking loudly, hearing songs and walking about in the bus.The bus '265 bus Depot' has a seat belt only.(at the back of the bus)(3rd seat or middle seat)Our bus do not have any seat belts.Vehicles like taxi, cars, aeroplanes and helicopters have seat belts.

Question:Can your name more vehicles that have more than 3 seat belts.

I will be waiting for your answers eagerly and thanks! Bye! Bye!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Reflection 4: Food

Hello everyone,

Some of the food in the canteen is healthy but some are not.I seldom eat healthy food like fruits.Anyway, i hate fruits!I only like pear and grape.My mother always force me to eat fruits.I often eat cake, noodles, rice and other food.Sometimes, i eat biscuits.Bye bye hahahaha!

Personal Response 3: Hand, Foot And Mouth Disease

Hello everyone,

Sometimes in other places like shopping centre or food court, we sometimes do not go close children they may have hand, foot and mouth disease.It can spread very easily.Some of the symptons are having a high fever, sore throats, ulcars, rashes and loss of appetite.If you have one of these symptons, you must quickly inform you teacher.I had ulcars, sore throats and loss of appetite before.When you eat, you must wash your hand first.When you cough, you must cover your mouth and say 'excuse me'.When you sneeze, you must use a tissue or hankerchief to cover your mouth.Lasltly, you must ever not share your utensils with your friend.Some examples are:

  • food
  • drinks
  • toothbrush
  • And many other things...

(Remember when you have one of the symptons of hand, foot and mouth disease that i had mention just now, you must immediately inform your teacher)

Bye Bye hahahahaha!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Reflection 3: Friendship

Hello everyone,

Friendship means making any kind of friends(Friends from other races).If you do not make friends, I will think your life will be boring and will not have a smile on your face.(Not even once or twice)If your life is like this, your life will be very meaningless.(A sad face every moment)You can play games with your friends or teach them homework if they do not know.If you are new in school, it's still ok you still can make friends with them using my ideas I said just now.(It is easy/simple to make friends)Even though the person is a malay or an indian, you still can make friends with them.I hope tips i had mentioned just now will let you make more friends.Tme more friends you make the more merrier you are and you life will not be so boring and meaningless.Goodbye and thank you!!!!!Hahahahaha!!!!!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Personal Response 2: Courtesy

Hi children. Time flies. We'll be doing our 2nd piece of Personal Rsponse this week.
Let's visit the website of the Singapore Kindness Movement.
Read the four fables and give your opinion and comments about them. To guide you in writing your personal response, here are some questions :
  • What does 'courtesy' mean to you?
  • Which one of the fables impresses you most? Why?
  • 3. Do you think the pupils in our class are courteous? In what way/ways are they courteous or discourteous?
  • 4. How can we show our courtesy towards our friends, school mates, family members and others?
I hope to read your response soon.
From Mr. Ong

Courtesy is
excellence of manners or social conduct; polite behavior.One of an act of courtesy is to be respectful or considerate.We can show case of an courtesy act in our class.An Example of a courtesy act:

Our principal walk past you and you said "Good Morning".That is a kind of courtesy act.An example of a discourtesy act:

Our principal walked past you and you acted that you did not see the our principal.That is a kind of discourtesy act.

Have your ever done that before?Hahahahahaha!!!!!Waiting eagerly for your comments.
Bye! Bye!

Entry 8: Postcard Writing (Enrichment Activity)


Monday, March 31, 2008

Reflection 2: My Dream

Hi everyone, all of us dream of becoming somebody, owning something or doing something which we really want to do.
Whatever it is, it will not be possible to realise our dream if we do not have a plan. In this reflection, I would like you to tell me about your dream. Here are some questions that may help you write down your reflection:
a) What is your dream?
b) Why do you think this dream is so important to you?
c) How do you plan to realise your dream?
d) Do you think people should have dreams? Why?
I hope you will write your reflection as comprehensively as possible. One or two sentences will not do justice to your dream.
Waiting eagerly to read your reflection.
Best wishes,
Mr Ong

My dream is hoping that i can get very good results for all subjects and be a useful person.To get good results, i will work hark for it.To be a useful person, i will work hard to be hardworking and don't be lazy.Bye Bye and have fun!!!!!

Personal Response 1: Racial Harmony

Term 2 Week 2
Hi everyone, time seems to fly. We are now in Week 2.
For this week, you are given a link. After you have read the story, you will give your personal response.
1. Go to this link: on 'Articles' and go to '2. Regardless of race' article.
2. Read the article.
3. Give your personal response to what you have just read.
To help you, I have given some questions for you to give your response. Here are the questions:
a) What do you think is 'racial harmony'?
b) How can misunderstanding among the various races arise?
c) What do you think of Rajah's solution? (He said, "We shan't be Chinese or Malay or Indian. Everyone is the same, no races at all and there will be no more fights."
d) How can we encourage people of different races to be friends?
e) What do you think our school should do on Racial Harmony Day?
In writing your personal response in your blog, please write the title : Personal Response 1: Racial Harmony and include 'AR' as your label for this post.
Happy writing.
Waiting eagerly to read your responses.

Racial Harmony Day is
celebrated annually on 21July in Singapore.The event is to commemorate the 1964 Race Riots, which took place on 21 July 1964.In schools all across the nation on that day, students are encouraged to be dressed in their traditional costumes such as the Cheongsam and the Baju Kurung.Some traditional games are kuti kuti and chapteh.Bye Bye and have fun!!!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Reflection 1:Looking Foward

Term 2 Week 1
Dear children,
You are to reflect on your own performance for the first class tests. What did you obtain for your class tests for the various subjects? How did you perform? How did you feel about your results? What are the reasons for your performance? Which subjects did you do well and which subjects did you not do so well? Any reasons? How do you propose to improve yourself this term? Post your reflection under the title 'Reflection 1 : Looking Forward' and include 'AR' as your label for this post. Your reflection should be as comprehensive as possible. I look forward to reading your posts.
My Reflection
Hello Friends, I welcome back all of your to school again.I am quite satisfied with my results.My goal is to achieve 42/50 form my English, 49/50 for my maths, 45/50 for my Chinese and 43/50 for my science.I will work hard for that.

Entry 6:Ideal Sports Carnival

My ideal sports carnival is to play a lot of interesting games that i don't have play before and have ice-cream.Yummy!I had a stomachache that's why i did not come.How long is the recess?I hope is 1hour or even more than that.If it's like that it will be good. :)Hahahahaha!Bye!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Entry 5:Thank You, Mr.Singh

this picture is taken from Google

Dear Mr. Singh,

Thank you Mr. Singh for all the things you did for the whole school.I heard that you are going to be transferred to another school so I wish you good luck.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Entry 4:Chinese New Year Celebrations

this picture is taken from Google
06/02/08 Wednesday, I went to the hall to watch the concert.Firstly, we watched the flashlight.It is about why we cannot sweep the floor and why we celebrated Chinese New Year.After watching the flashlight, i have learnt some new things about Chinese New Year.Some of the winners of postcards are really nice.There is one twin that they are in the same class and they even also.They look so alike.Later, it's the exciting time, they are picking a winner of the best classroom decorations.We did not win but in my heart our class is always the best.No matter we lose or win at least we still tried the best we can do and we did not give up.When 4.3 wins, we should not be sad.We should be cheering for them because they really did better than us. Then, we watched the performers perform chinese dance.I don't feel like watching the show but i have no choice because i'm bored so i just watch.When they performed finish, i feel more relaxed.Next, we watched six chinese teachers performed a show about Chinese New Year.I liked that part of the show because it is funny and i can learn some new food Of chinese new year.Next, we sing some chinese new year songs.Lastly, Some other performers perform lion dance.They played the drum and it is so noisy but i can bear it.The perfomers perform lion dance and it was so amazing.After all the performances, we have to go back to our class.I enjoyed the performance.I wish that the next Chinese New Year is better.I don't feel sad but i feel happy.Ha Ha!!!!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Entry 3:Pet

this picture is taken from Google
this picture is taken from Google
Although I don't have a pet now but I want a goldfish or guppies.It is easy to keep a goldfish.A goldfish's food is bread crumbs.A guppy is easy to keep too.Guppies and goldfishes are kept in a tank.Sometimes when we are bored, we can watch goldfishes and guppies swim in the tank.It can make you feel more relax or happy to do other things again.If I have a pet, I wish it will not get any diseases of dying.It will make me very sad.If my pet die, I will feel lonely and boring so I wish I could have a pet.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Entry 2: My December Holiday

this picture is taken from yahoo image

this picture is taken from google
I spent my december holiday at the Meritus Hotel near Orchard Road.The hotel was so amazing and it has many storeys.We went to check in.I was getting very excited and my father had checked in.Our hotel number was 3236 and it was the 32th storey.It was the tallest storey of all of the rooms.(not counting other advertisments)We took the lift and the lift went up to the 32th storey.We went inside the room and put our things.It was so cool.I look at the window and it was so tall and i was shocked.I was curious so i look around the room.I felt something was wrong and there is no refrigerator.I checked again and i found it hidden in the small cupboard.The things must be paid if you eat the food in the refrigerator.I went to the bathroom and there was a bathtub and there are many other things there.I went out and watched the television with my brother.There was many channels in the television.My brother and i like the football channel too.We are going to go out and my brother wanted to watch the television.My mother does not allow my brother to watch television.My brother switched off the television, we locked the door and we went out.We went shopping to buy t-shirts, trousers and pants.We went to buy a Nintendo DS.It is almost time for dinner so we went to eat.We went home at 8.15p.m. and i charged the Nintendo DS.While charging i tried the game and it was so fun.I took the bath at 9:30p.m. and i went to watch the televison.My father go to work at 10:30p.m. and my mother went to sleep at 11:00p.m.My brother and i watch television until 12:30p.m. and we went to sleep.I felt hard to fall asleep.The next day, my brother i woke up at 6:55a.m. and we went to brush our teeth.My mother woke up to sort out all the things.My mother gave us a glass of hot water.I drank and it was so brother had no feeling at all.My brother and i watch the television at 7:15a.m.My cousin called and my mother and my brother went to pick up my cousin while i played the Nintendo DS.My cousin knocked the door and i opened the door.My cousin rush in and we started playing.My cousin have a Nintendo DS also.We played multiplayer and it was extremely fun.My father came back at 9:20a.m. and we went out to eat buffet.When we reached the restaurant.Only two adults/children can eat.So we decided that my mother and father eat the buffet.We went back the room to play and we eat breads.My mother and father came back at 10:30a.m. and we were busy playing the game because it was so exciting that we cannot stop playing.We stopped playing at 12:05p.m. and went out to have lunch.After lunch, we went shopping until 3:50p.m. and we went home.We snatched to go home to bath first.My cousin acted that he wanted to go the toilet and he straight away just went in to the bathtub to start soaking.I was frustrated about it.We went out for dinner at 6:30p.m.My cousin was not hungry and my father kept forcing my cousin to eat.My cousin finally chose what to eat.We bought it and went home.My cousin ate the food at 8:05p.m. and i played Nintendo DS again at 8:30p.m. until 9:45p.m.My brother and i was not feeling well and we decided to go home.At 10:30p.m. i had a stomachache.I went to the toilet for 2-3 times and was not feeling better.I feel like vomiting out the food.My cousin's mother booked a taxi for 1hour.My mother, my cousin, and my cousin's mother and i took a taxi home while my brother and father took the bus home.I reached home at 11:30p.m. while my brother reached home around 12:10p.m.I enjoyed the trip there and hope to go there again.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Entry 1:Blog Netiquette

This picture is taken by Google
1.Friendliness and rudeness

  • We should always write friendly words or comments to other people.

  • We should not say those words that makes people angry, frustrating or make them sad.

  • We should use bullet points to make people know that it is seperated by sentences.

  • We must try not to make careless mistakes in putting a post or a comment to someone.


  • We must remember not to laugh at people's blog or posts because we must show some respectiveness for other people.
  • We can write words that makes people happy.