Sunday, June 28, 2009

T2W9 Journal Writing : Influenza A H1N1

Hi Everyone,

We now have two cases of the Influenza A H1N1 in Malaysia. Will there be a case in Singapore? How much do you understand about this virus? For this week, I would like you to reflect on this topic. To help you, I will list some questions below:

1. What is Influenza A H1N1?

2. How does it spread?

3. Which countries in Asia have people with Influenza A H1N1?

4. How do countries try to prevent the spread of this disease?

5. Do you think the taking of temperature is effective in preventing Influenza A H1N1? Why?

6. What other preventive measures are being taken to combat the spread of this disease in Singapore?

7. What are you doing to prevent the spread of Influenza A H1N1 disease?

My answers:

1)It is a virus which spreads almost everywhere around.
2)It spreads by cough, sneezing and many more...
3)Some countries are Japan, Malaysia and China.
4)They should try not to go to other countries to prevent the spread of this disease.
5)Yes, because by taking of temperature will let you know your temperature whether if your temperature is high or low.You should not be in school but to be at home resting if your temperature is high.
6)Temperature are being taken before you can go in to some places.
7)I will wash my hands before every meal and use my hands to cover my mouth when I sneeze or cough.