Wednesday, April 1, 2009

T2W2 Journal Writing : Healthy Eating

Hi Everyone,

We have to eat in order to have the energy to perform our daily tasks and to enjoy the many beautiful things in this world. However, do we really know what to eat so that we can be healthy? Many diseases are associated with unhealthy eating. Hence, it is important to know what to eat so that we will not be victims of such diseases. For this week's journal writing, I would like you to discuss and reflect on healthy eating. To help you, I have listed some questions below:

1. What do you have to eat in order to be healthy?

2. What are some of the unhealthy food adults and children like to eat?

3. Why is important to eat healthily?

4. What are some of the diseases associated with eating unhealthy food?

5. What are the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables?

6. Do you like to eat fruits and vegetables? Why?

7. Do you support the school's campaign in encouraging pupils to eat more fruits and vegetables? Why?

8. What activities can you suggest to encourage children to eat more vegetables and fruits?As usual, I look forward to reading your reflection of healthy eating.

My answers:

1)I have to eat meat, fish, vegetables and fruits to be healthy.

2)They like to eat chocolates and fries.

3)It is important because we can let us not fall sick easily.

4)Some of them are Heart disease and lung disease and more...

5)We can become fit and healthy.

6)Yes because we can stay fit and healthy.

7)Yes because if we do not eat vegetables and fruits, we will fall sick easily.

8)We can get people to sell vegetables and fruits at a low price.

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