Thursday, July 10, 2008

Unit 8: Indian Folktales (Part 2)

Title of Singaporean folktale:

Characters in the story:

Introduction of the story:

Problem/s in the story:

Solution/s to the problem/s in the story:

Conclusion of the story:

What is the moral of your Singaporean folktale?

Title:The cat and the mouse

Once there was a cat who is fond of eating mouse.One day, the cat saw a mouse and wanted to eat him.The mouse was getting afraid and trembled.Suddenly, he thought of an idea and tricked the cat.The mouse told the cat that far far away, there is a huge mountain that has a lot of big and juicy mice.Without thinking, the cat rush to the huge mountain and found that he was tricked.At last, the mouse escaped and the cat was sad.

The moral of the story is not to be greedy.

1 comment:

~Gary Ng~ said...

Hi Malcolm,
your story is short and sweet.
Nice story