Monday, May 12, 2008

Reflection 5: Mother's Day

Hello everyone,

I treat my mother McDonald's on Friday 09/05/2008.I would like to say a very big thank you to my mother.She took care of me, cook food for me, teach me Chinese and buy things that i want.Imagine you do not have any mother, you would have those good old days.You will not have any food to eat.You cannot pay your school fees so you cannot go to school to learn new things.You will be a beggar along the road begging for money and being teased by people who is very ill-mannered.

Question:What did you do on Mother's Day?

Go back and think about it and post out a comment to me.Thanks! Bye! Bye!

Personal Response 4: Child Safety Belt In School Buses

Hello everyone,

I take bus everyday.(morning and afternoon)In the morning(often), the bus will be very quiet because people have just woke up so early and will feel sleepy in the bus but some people don't feel that because they are too talkative.Afternoon, the bus will be extremely noisy.They will be all playing, talking loudly, hearing songs and walking about in the bus.The bus '265 bus Depot' has a seat belt only.(at the back of the bus)(3rd seat or middle seat)Our bus do not have any seat belts.Vehicles like taxi, cars, aeroplanes and helicopters have seat belts.

Question:Can your name more vehicles that have more than 3 seat belts.

I will be waiting for your answers eagerly and thanks! Bye! Bye!