Monday, April 28, 2008

Reflection 4: Food

Hello everyone,

Some of the food in the canteen is healthy but some are not.I seldom eat healthy food like fruits.Anyway, i hate fruits!I only like pear and grape.My mother always force me to eat fruits.I often eat cake, noodles, rice and other food.Sometimes, i eat biscuits.Bye bye hahahaha!

Personal Response 3: Hand, Foot And Mouth Disease

Hello everyone,

Sometimes in other places like shopping centre or food court, we sometimes do not go close children they may have hand, foot and mouth disease.It can spread very easily.Some of the symptons are having a high fever, sore throats, ulcars, rashes and loss of appetite.If you have one of these symptons, you must quickly inform you teacher.I had ulcars, sore throats and loss of appetite before.When you eat, you must wash your hand first.When you cough, you must cover your mouth and say 'excuse me'.When you sneeze, you must use a tissue or hankerchief to cover your mouth.Lasltly, you must ever not share your utensils with your friend.Some examples are:

  • food
  • drinks
  • toothbrush
  • And many other things...

(Remember when you have one of the symptons of hand, foot and mouth disease that i had mention just now, you must immediately inform your teacher)

Bye Bye hahahahaha!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Reflection 3: Friendship

Hello everyone,

Friendship means making any kind of friends(Friends from other races).If you do not make friends, I will think your life will be boring and will not have a smile on your face.(Not even once or twice)If your life is like this, your life will be very meaningless.(A sad face every moment)You can play games with your friends or teach them homework if they do not know.If you are new in school, it's still ok you still can make friends with them using my ideas I said just now.(It is easy/simple to make friends)Even though the person is a malay or an indian, you still can make friends with them.I hope tips i had mentioned just now will let you make more friends.Tme more friends you make the more merrier you are and you life will not be so boring and meaningless.Goodbye and thank you!!!!!Hahahahaha!!!!!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Personal Response 2: Courtesy

Hi children. Time flies. We'll be doing our 2nd piece of Personal Rsponse this week.
Let's visit the website of the Singapore Kindness Movement.
Read the four fables and give your opinion and comments about them. To guide you in writing your personal response, here are some questions :
  • What does 'courtesy' mean to you?
  • Which one of the fables impresses you most? Why?
  • 3. Do you think the pupils in our class are courteous? In what way/ways are they courteous or discourteous?
  • 4. How can we show our courtesy towards our friends, school mates, family members and others?
I hope to read your response soon.
From Mr. Ong

Courtesy is
excellence of manners or social conduct; polite behavior.One of an act of courtesy is to be respectful or considerate.We can show case of an courtesy act in our class.An Example of a courtesy act:

Our principal walk past you and you said "Good Morning".That is a kind of courtesy act.An example of a discourtesy act:

Our principal walked past you and you acted that you did not see the our principal.That is a kind of discourtesy act.

Have your ever done that before?Hahahahahaha!!!!!Waiting eagerly for your comments.
Bye! Bye!

Entry 8: Postcard Writing (Enrichment Activity)
